2010년 3월 3일 수요일

my media consumption

Every day in English Media class, I learn something new that is somewhat shocking and interesting. So far we have learned quite a lot of things about the media. However the key factor that I must not forget is that all media is a construct and thus there are no accidents in the media. When I heard "all media is a construct," I was surprised even if it wasn't something new to me. Every day while I was surrounded by media, I didn't really think deeply about its existence.In real life, we are all living in 21th century we are in a media world. So many thing we see, hear, do such as TV, computers, radio, newspaper and etc are part of the media, therefore we are all impacted by the media. Media influence what we talk about and it even influence our thoughts, this applies even what media tells is a false. At the very beginning of the course we learned about the conspiracy theory, which is a term that has come to refer any tentative theory. There are some famous conspiracy theory we did in the class: Neil Armstrong lands on the moon, 911 and JFK. I personally didn't know that any of these worldly famous events had the conspiracy theory, as most people know these were world's famous event and incident and most people believes it really did happen, why? For example for Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, how can we sure that Armstrong really landed on the moon even we didn't actually saw it, what is fact that create our beliefs towards these events. Isn't it the media? that why we trust that Neil Armstrong actually landed on the moon or 911 terror that WTC 7 fall down, why do we trust them?. Actually when I watched the conspiracy theory about the Neil Armstrong, there were many valid reason that justified the conspiracy. Therefore we can't 100% sure that media always give the truth, maybe it is only one version, essentially there are multiple truth and it is always affected by the bias. It just troubles me to realize this truth because, media is something we are living in most of the time and supplies us the most information and if this blinds us from the truth what could we really trust and rely on?
On the other hand recently this week miss Meret taught us 6things that we must know about the media:
1.As said everything is a construct
2.What is said is only half of the story, it means for example in some website there are articles that tells about the benefits of using ethane, but it doesn't really states the negative fact about it even there are some negative facts in contrast to the benefits, so what media states may not be all the information it should have, some of it might not be presented.
3.Media is our reality,our most common portal into world is media. For example when we think about the Africa, the common image that comes to our mind is something such as green grass,and wild animals. Even we haven't been to Africa that is the reality we know, but on the other hand there are some different images of Africa that we have never seen, such as high rised buildings that creates some image of developed country. So if media show only those kind of undeveloped side of Africa, we will never know the other side of image that is totally different as media is only common portal into the world that we can't see.
4.Everything comes down to money, Everything we see or read everyday has a price tag which everything costs money. For example, some of the advertising we see on the TV costs thousands and millions of dollar. So media basically is not something that pops out from nothing.
5.Whoever owns the biggest megaphone wins, The key word used convergence which is combination of all these different media into one operating platform. In media basically most things we see, hear comes from one voice. I learned in class that one of famous organization Time Warner owns almost every media, therefore we only hears and see from their side. This is mainstream media that there is no room for counter culter.
6.Monkey see, monkey do, We all believe what we are originally, totally free thinkers. We want to believe that our initiative is totally our own, but nothing is further from truth.As I learned from lesson it is shocking and surprising to see the reality of media. I want to state question that "What can we do" despite of this reality, can we reshape the media as we want to?. To answer this question I will have to know more about the media. As now what I know about the media is only cover page of the book.

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