2010년 3월 15일 월요일

How stereotypes in media impact our reality

As we are living in a mdia world, we tend to see many stereotypes by media. What do we feel when we see those stereotypes? or do we even recognize what is being stereotyped? If we carefuuly look around us, we can find tonnes of things that are being stereotyped, starting from gender, age, job, race, looks and position in family in fact media may not be able to exist without stereotype. Maybe we could unconsiously think that what is being stereotyped is our reality because we have heard it so many times, it is accepted myth. There are some examples: "All Asians are good at math", "All black people are athletic", "White people are higher class", these are some common stereotypes that media uses to make us see certain groups of people. It might be based on truth, and it could be justified by using statistics. However statistics don't assure anything about a person

The main concept applies again, that "media is our reality", as we always surrounded by media and we look through by media as our window, when media stereotypes it is obvious that we are the one who as the audience will be mostly impacted. Then how does it impact our reality? For example lets say a business company wants to hire an accountant who should be good at math calculations, and lets say hypothethically that they interviewed two people, one is a Asian guy and one is white guy with blond hair, both had same education at same university. we can apply two kinds of stereotype that "All Asian are good at math" and "Blonds are dum" when the employer has these kind of stereotypes in mind who is he going to choose? obviously it will be the Asian guy, but in reality is this true?There is no reason that the Asian guy should be math genius or Blonds should be dummer because of that trait. Also there is no fixed genetic prove that shows how different race of people act.http://www.helium.com/items/671652-the-impact-of-stereotyping
but if the owner of company really trust those stereotypes, the business would be dominated by the Asians then any other races. Likewise stereotype could impact our reality; such as job opportunities, how you being treated in society, the way we eat, way we dress and etc.

So Is stereotypes effect our reality in only bad ways? overall there are 2 types of stereotypes they are either positive or negative stereotypes. Stereotypes like Asians are good at math, black people are athletic are the positive stereotypes which gives the good images and perspective towards the group. On the other hand there are negative stereotypes like Blonds are dum, old people are smelly and dirty which gives bad image and perspective towards the group.So is this acceptable to allow stereotype to impact our reality in such way? I personally will say "no" because what I think that make person to be different from one another is the each individual's environment and situation rather than looking each people based on physical appearance.

We can apply the concepts here that "what is said is only half the story", even we have some specific information to certain group we stereotype, it is not everything we know about them, we only base on the knowledge that we absorbed from media. But even some steretypes are based on truth, there could be something more behind it. For example "Asians are good at math" but as many people know one of the famous mathematician in the world was German Albert Einstein, also there are many famous mathematicians from europe such as Blaise Pascal(french mathematician), Carl Friedrich Gauss(German mathematician). So can we say stereotypes are based on full source of information? or is it only based on half story?
see the video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZd11Mcej4

Whether we like it or not media is still going to stereotype, and we will continue to see them, because stereotypes benefits the media. But it makes us feel limited and traped, so in order to fight those stereotype we should know who is working behind it, the media. "Whoever owns biggest megaphone wins" we should remember that most things are owned by one huge group and continues to give same message over and over again, there are no counter culture. We should be the one who should prevent media to impact our reality in certain way.

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