2010년 6월 1일 화요일

what would happen in the a world without a brand

Can you imagine a world without brand or differentiation?, Can you eat a chocolate bar that has nothing written on it's package other then "chocolate"?. No one could imagine a world without a brand, why? because we trust them, like them, and live with them. There are millions of brand around the world today, whether it's food, clothing, games, electronic devices or drugs, even you walk along the street you will see at least one sign of brand shopping mall. They have become one of essential idea in our lives, we see them everyday in TV, computer, work place, books, everywhere we take the step.

Let's hypothetically there is no brand exist in the world, what would it be like?, first of all when you go shopping and buy the T-shirt for example, they will be all same without the logo, and any websites you visit or magazines you read, there will be no taste of variety. Is this mean it is disaster? or crisis?, you can't only say it's bad, because without brand for example there would be no level of difference, which as everyone wears same type of cloth or buy same type of materials we will all look equal. Because even in high school many people wear different clothes and some people wear fancy clothes whereas some people wear normal looking clothes, when they wear those kind of different clothes they feel in different ways and looks other people in other perspective, but wearing all same clothes can make those people feel in the same and in other terms cooperate each other.

On the other hand there would be a lot of negative sides without a brand which first of all as many things would appear same, people will not have many choices with the product they buy. As most things will come from one idea, people would get bored easily and would not go for shopping or tour. In addition there would be no more advertisement around us, because most of the ad is for brand, without brand there would be no advertise. Is this mean bad?, well there are tonnes of company who makes profit through the advertising and if there is no more, it means there is not much business running, which means people would not have a jobs. Millions of people today have a job related to the advertising, therefore no brand will make insane rate of unemployment.

Likewise brand has become essential part of our life, without them we could not survive. Also without us, the consumers brand will not survive as we are the one who makes them profitable. But it's not that we should love the brand and keep being persuaded by them, it is always our problem to make things in right order.

댓글 4개:

  1. This is a really great blog joshua! I agree with what you said about how we can not imagine living with no brands. You are right that it would be impossible to have a world without brands because all products would be the same and their would be no choices.

  2. I really liked how you showed both sides to having a life with brands and having a life without brands. I agree with you when you say that brands have become an essential part of our lives, because they are everywhere and it is hard to just give up brands since every company has one.

  3. I also don't know what it would be like living a world with no brands. Everywhere we look, we see brands. I like how you showed the positives and the negatives of the brands. Also the use of different colours for the different paragraphs was a good idea. Good job on your blog.

  4. Great blog! I agree with you, I couldn't imagine living in a world without brands or differentiation. I also agree with you that brands have become an essential part of our lives because we view them everyday.
